Basic and Applied Studies in Zoology
The research group "Basic and Applied Studies in Zoology" was created at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC) in 2002, and currently the lines of research are related to areas as "Basic and applied entomology", “Environmental monitoring and Genotoxicity", as well as “Animal production and health". Projects developed by the team involve studies with domestic and wild animals, conducted by academics, workers and professors of the group. Besides basic research, activities applied to the development of new products in the different areas of zoology, linked to the Technology Incubator of UNISC (ITUNISC) are also developed. |
Study and Research Group in Health – GEPS
The Study and Research Group in Health (GEPS), since its structuring, seeks to establish itself as an organizing space and generator of research and knowledge in the area of human health, in the different circumstances of human interaction with the environment and society in which they live. Today, it is a group with works corresponding to its lines of research, with emphasis on studies of family health, worker´s health, labor process in health, health management, programs and public policies in health. Researchers from graduation, post-graduate and foreign researchers are welcome to join the group. As a practical proposition, it provides database and data source (qualitative and quantitative) for health care projects in consonance with public policies and health demands of the 13 cities from the 28th Health Region of Rio Grande do Sul. |
It studies the environmental monitoring in watersheds of Rio Grande do Sul state, as organic pollution, bacteriological quality, eutrophication and heavy metals. The Water Quality Index (WQI) and the Biological Water Quality Index (BWQI) is estimated through quantitative and qualitative analysis of algae in the group of diatoms, and application of CONAMA Resolution 357/2005. It also performs ecotoxicological and genotoxic analyses with the trophic level of primary consumers for samples of fresh surface water and groundwater, domestic sewage, industrial effluents and chemicals in general. In addition, it researches pollution prevention and remediation, different types of industrial effluents (textiles, tanneries, slaughterhouses), hospital waste, domestic sewage, gas stations and other effluents are being submitted to different types of chemical treatment, for detoxification. The results are evaluated through the ecotoxicological monitoring using bioassays. |
Assistive Technology Research Center of UNISC
The Assistive Technology Research Center of UNISC has as objective to investigate and implement assistive technologies for people with some type of disability. The nature of the group is highly interdisciplinary, being composed of experts in the areas of computing, social sciences and health. Work already developed by the group include tools to improve the quality of visually, hearing and motor impaired individuals´ daily life. |
Well- Being and Health Promotion
The research group proposes actions that impact on the undergraduate and graduate program, on the dissemination and socialization of knowledge along with health care, educational, cultural, sport and leisure institutions. It involves knowledge production in the area of promotion, prevention and comprehensive health care, human movement, health surveillance, and developments in relation to epidemiology, physical activity, food and metabolism. Furthermore, education, culture and multiprofessional actions, which address the diagnosis and the demands of different social groups, the reorganization of people and communities lifestyle, as a way to avoid hypokinetic and chronic-degenerative diseases, qualifying human development and promoting well-being. This research group, with its interdisciplinary work and internationalization activities is the main base of the lines of research of the Graduate Program in Health Promotion - Master´s Degree and Doctorate. |
Surveillance, prevention and rehabilitation in cardiorespiratory diseases
This group is characterized by the development of research projects related to extension actions, whose main focus is from prevention to the cardiorespiratory and metabolic rehabilitation. Research in this area of knowledge is important, since the increase in morbidity and mortality due to chronic-degenerative diseases can be observed, as well as the increase in life expectancy of the Brazilian and worldwide population. The multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, involving the Physical Therapy, Physical Education, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nutrition and Psychology programs, aims at identifying the individuals´ problems and deal with them collectively. Its line of research aims at evaluating the influence of the interdisciplinary approach in patients with chronic-degenerative diseases; studying the increase in morbidity and mortality caused by these diseases, the increase of the population life expectancy; assessing how the interdisciplinary interventions can minimize or control the outcomes related to pathological processes. |
Fungi Taxonomy
The Research Group with fungi seeks to gather information on taxonomy and applications, through basic surveys and identification of Basidiomycota fungi, especially of the order Agaricales, in Brazil and Antarctica. In addition to taxonomy, studies on the cultivation of wild mushroom species (mainly Pleurotus and Auricularia) are being carried out, using alternative substrates from agriculture and agribusiness. Other contributions to Science include the organization of species list, studies of geographic distribution and relationship with environmental changes. The publishing of instructive and scientific books is also among the achievements of the research group that seeks to attract more young researchers for this area of study. |
Technology, Education and Patient Safety
The study group “Technology, Education and Patient Safety” articulates the missions of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc) and Hospital Santa Cruz (HSC) by believing in the integration of education and work in health as a fundamental element for the establishment of humanized care and excellence in the area. Its strategic themes are the patient´s safety, the continuing education, the innovation and the sustainability to promote knowledge construction, scientific advancement and technological innovation. Its researchers are from the Health area, such as Medicine, Biology, Pharmacy, Nursing, among others. |
The group develops research in the areas of Analytic Biotechnology, Basic and Applied Microbiology, Human Biodynamics and Human Genetics. These studies seek to develop analytical methods in molecular biology and systems biology, develop fermentation processes applicable to the area of food and to obtain bioproducts of interest to the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. |
Environmental Science and Technology
It develops research focused on environmental management, especially with Clean Process Technologies from the Life Cycle Analysis. Investigations are also made for the Treatment of waste, Treatment of water supply and wastewater, in these cases, aiming at the reuse of water, as well as energy and nutrients recovery, and food production. |
Food Science and Technology
The group develops research activities focused on the development of new food products and technologies associated with the agroindustrial processes, and analysis of food quality. In addition, it studies the technical and financial feasibility of productive activities in the food sector. |
Technological Development – Industrial Processes and Materials
The group works in the area of materials with emphasis on polymers and ceramics always concerned with the environmental aspects of production and applications in environmental technologies. Among these, the production of plastics reinforced with residues and catalysts for the degradation of pollutants or for air purification are also research focuses, as well as the optimization of production processes, waste management and treatment, and cleaner production. |
Microelectronics and Embedded Systems Project Group – GPSEM
Since 2004, the group has developed research in the areas of microelectronics, embedded systems, reconfigurable computing, robotics and data communication. Since then, a large part of research work has been directed to these areas considered as strategic ones. |
Oil Chemistry and Bio fuels Production
The lines of the research group Oleochemical and Biofuels production are: recovery of waste and by-products; analysis and transformation of essential oils; production of biofuels; and, production of microalgae aiming at the production of oil and biofuels with the use of alternative means. This research has also made possible the extension and researchers´ qualified work been published in high-impact scientific journals. |
The Chemometrics Research Group of UNISC works in the development of chemometric methods with emphasis on the development of mathematical models, software and analytical equipment using near infrared spectroscopy and the green analytical chemistry principles. |
Computer Systems that Support Education
The central theme of the research is the development of artificial intelligence and knowledge management techniques, methodologies, computational systems and products to support the teaching-learning process, in various fields of the Education area and in Organizations in general. Some benefits and contributions from the work of this group, so far, are: promotion of interdisciplinarity; partnerships with schools for development and evaluation of educational environments; partnerships with companies for the creation and marketing of products; the interest of the group in expanding the results of the research, interacting with other groups that work in the same area, at national and international level. |
Industrial Systems and Processes
The group aims at the generation of new technologies, as well as the training and qualification of human resources through the implementation and consolidation of teaching, research and extension in the area of Industrial Processes Control and Optimization. The group is engaged in three lines of research: Industrial Process Analytical Technology; Innovation and Technology in Industrial Systems and Processes; Industrial Process Management. |
Democracy and Public Policies Study Group - GEDEPP
Cláudia Tirelli
The Democracy and Public Policies Study Group - GEDEPP has as objective to promote greater integration among researchers of the Graduate Program in Regional Development/Unisc (professors and students) who have been researching on the themes of democracy and of public policies and their territorial implications. The group also aims at facilitating the exchange of experiences among its members (professors and students of the undergraduate and graduate program) and the development of research projects and joint publications. In addition, GEDEPP aims to provide the deepening of the reflections concerning the theoretical-methodological approaches involved in this field of study. It is expected, finally, that GEDEPP arises as a reference in the region of Vale do Rio Pardo/RS in relation to the analysis of public policies, and may come to assist the city and state public officials in the evaluation and qualification of these policies in different territories.
Poetic Studies: education and language
Studies about the poetic dimension of language, triggered in 2000 from the phenomenological method of Gaston Bachelard, have been subsidizing both the teaching practice of professors/researchers in their actions of teaching and extension, as well as the research projects they are currently developing. At the moment, the group gathers research projects in communication among Literature, Arts, Music and Education of children from the philosophical assumption that the poetic experience of language is the link that brings them together. The philosophical question that emerges is the intersubjectivity of living together in the common world as a way to reflect directions of the research from phenomenology in its three aspects: reflexivity, description and interpretation. The group, in the articulation of its projects, invests in a gradual achievement of a space that effectively recognizes the playful, the imagetic, the pleasurable, the sensitive, as inseparable from a cognitive act since childhood. |
Local Socio-historical Formation
The Local Socio-historical Formation Research Group brings together researchers who study topics related to social, economic, cultural, political and religious formation in levels of graduation, specialization, master's degree and doctorate. It aggregates different lines of research and different theoretical perspectives covering studies dating from the late 18th century until contemporaneity. The general objective is to stimulate, discuss and disseminate interdisciplinary studies of local socio-historical formation that allow to focus the historical object from a more effective way, trying to identify economic, cultural, political and religious inter-relations over time. The members of the research group develop studies and surveys characterized by interdisciplinarity, but that has for goal the historical processes of local formation. Although a good part of the research falls on the region of Vale do Rio Pardo, RS, the local level is here understood as being at different scales and amplitudes. The researchers group unity is guaranteed by the rigorousness of the methodologies that guide both the individual projects as well as the collective projects of its members. |
Identity and Differences in Education
The group is organized to the elaboration of research on culture and production of subjects in education from discussions related to identity-difference, knowledge-power relations and biopolitical governance strategies. It comprises, in an interdisciplinary perspective, issues related to health, social assistance, ethnic-racial relations, relations of gender and sexuality, childhood, inclusion, spatialities, curriculum, public policies and teacher training. The perspectives that underpin the analyzes are guided by the understanding that the cultures, the subjects, the identities, as well as the curriculum and the knowledge are exchangeable and permeated by different intersections. The group also understands that the subjects are produced in relations with the other, being subjectivized and positioned in places of normality/abnormality, inclusion/exclusion and visibility/invisibility. |
Language and Cognition
The Language and Cognition Research Group proposes to contribute to the improvement of linguistic studies in its interface with human cognition, focusing on aspects related to reading. The research projects cover issues related to the meaning (semantics and pragmatics), involving themes of cognitive sciences, discussions on philosophical foundations of science, theoretical contributions of textual linguistics, psycholinguistics, neuropsycholinguistics, and enunciation. The group studies aspects related to the processing of language, discussing issues involved, such as memory, attention and learning related to alphabetization and literacy, understanding and interpretation of texts. The group also seeks to discuss implications of the research in the area of reading and cognition, aiming at contributing to better educational practices. |
Languages, Culture and Education- LinCE
The group is a cross-departmental and interinstitutional space of theoretical-methodological interlocution of investigative actions on the educational problem arising from the cultural relationship between the dimensions of the language and the processes of learning. The mobilization of studies on the narrative aspects of art, science and myth in its relationship with the education has been promoting actions that allow to problematize the teaching and learning of language and its dimensions in Basic Education and Higher Education. The actions involve themes that emerge from the complex and biocentric articulation of education and language with childhood, learning, technology, Amerindian epistemologies and social movements. Such actions are allowing to bring out the misconceptions of simplifying rationalities, and the resulting theoretical weaknesses in the conceptions of language and educational action in Brazilian school and university system by announcing other possibilities to learn in social interaction. |
Clinical Processes, Subjectivity Methods and Public Policies
This research group gathers, supports and joins efforts in research conducted by the area of Psychology of UNISC, providing greater visibility to its researchers´ actions. It has as objective to: propose actions that will enhance activities in undergraduate, extension and graduate programs; implement political and operational actions for the production and socialization of knowledge at the interface of psychology, public and collective health, and public policies, aiming at the training of health professionals; generate knowledge in clinical processes, modes of subjectivity and public policies; subsidize health professionals practices and interventions; enhance professors´ work and joint production. Its lines of research are: modes of subjectivity in contemporary, and contemporary clinical practices and public policies. |
Study and Research Group on aging and citizenship
Studies on the challenges of the population aging, the public policies related to this population, and issues related to health and well-being at this stage of life. |
Teaching Labor, care and Social Class
The main theme of the group's research is the teaching labor, with a focus on issues related to care, supported especially in the field of sociology of work. The original and unique character of the studies lies first of all in the approach that seeks to articulate education with care and work. As a result, gender studies as well as domestic work are also important to the group. The main objective is to understand the arrangements, the conditioning, and the educational processes involved in this articulation in which elementary school teachers and workers from other productive sectors are involved. The theme of social classes is considered essential, since the contradictions present in class struggles constitute the main source of the movement of the phenomena in which work, education, and care are articulated. |
Curriculum, memories and narratives in education
The research group aims at investigating, in an interdisciplinary perspective, phenomena and themes with an emphasis on the experiences and narratives of training, on individual, collective, and institutional trajectories of formal and non-formal education, and on qualitative methodologies. The group of researchers has established different partnerships and interlocutions, whose impact is materialized in qualified work and publications, as well as in interinstitutional and internationalization academic actions. The research themes are based on the perspective that there is curriculum in all educational relationships with intentionality and in all its forms of manifestation, considering the political, theoretical, practical and historical dimensions. It studies practices and memories of clandestine education with an emphasis on policies, trajectories and curricula in clandestine systems and/or transglobal and performative contexts of educational policies. Currently it researches themes related to High School Education. |
Public policies, social inclusion and formation of subjects
The research group is linked to the Graduate Program in Education - UNISC and has as objective to investigate, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the ways of formation of subjects, through the articulation between public policies and what has been called the contemporary imperative of inclusion. Researchers come together from different areas (especially the areas of Education, Psychology, Geography and Health), and have produced, in recent years, a series of work, such as articles, book chapters, work presentations at events, study meetings, open seminars, etc., as well as have participated in the training of scientific initiation scholarship holders, masters and, more recently, doctors. Thus, researchers proposing to enter the group have already a trajectory of joint investigation, since the research group seeks to strengthen the studies in the field of public policies and social inclusion. |
Popular education, participatory methodologies and decolonial studies
Popular Education, Participatory Methodologies and Decolonial Studies Research Group aims at understanding, through the plurality of subjects and their experiences, the construction of educational, epistemological and methodological alternatives based on the popular. It has as a reference the discussions between modernity/coloniality, emancipation/liberation/dependence and education/labor related to issues of social class, gender and ethnicity. The work as a whole should reflect on the articulation of the studies developed by the researchers/members of the research group; on the strengthening of the Line of Research "Education, Labor and Emancipation" in interlocution with the decolonial and critical perspectives of/in Latin America; on the strengthening of interinstitutional and internationalization actions of the research in the field of popular education and participatory methodologies. |
Contemporary Constitutionalism
This broad line of research focuses on the concern with themes that are linked to the specificity of the Constitution and its difficulties and virtues in the regulation of the real factors of power and in the daily action of operators, including issues related to the State, to the theory of the Constitution, the effectiveness of constitutional rules, the integration of infraconstitutional rules into the constitutional system, the new means of managing of public interest, the fundamental rights, as well as the full range of new rights. The group has a social interface, especially with regard to the ruling power, with the objectives: 1. The elucidation of the concepts of State and Constitution; 2. The construction of new effective ways of carrying out the principle of democracy and efficiency; 3. The systematization and application of the fundamental rights provided in the Constitution, including the new rights. |
Regional Development
The current period that we are experiencing is marked by the strength of the movements that homogenize and the strength of the movements that resist, that react, that organize and reorganize themselves in the territory. The strength of movements that, by promoting homogenization, generalize, based on widely validated standardized interpretative models, have been confronted with the strength of movements that, recognizing diversity, affirm regions as expressions of particular arrangements, from different times, in the territory. The Research Group on Regional Development aims at deepening the theoretical reflection on the concepts regional development and territorial planning and management, focused on themes related to Family Agriculture, Peasantry, Rural Tourism, New Technologies - TICS, Regional Productive Arrangements, Agribusiness, Sustainability, Environment, Social Movements, Diversification of ways of life, among others. |
Regional Development and Socio-cultural Processes
The research group aims at understanding the relationships between global and regional culture in the context of regional development. It also seeks to study the transformations of cultural identity, especially the regional, and the relationship with the territory, as well as the processes of construction of regional identity related to development projects. In addition, it intends to understand the social discourses on identity, territory and development. The group's research projects include topics such as the study of the tension between the global and the regional in terms of culture. Results as the development of research that contribute to critical reflection on regional development, the training of researchers at undergraduate and graduate levels and the production of scientific knowledge on the topics studied, as well as its publication in academic and scientific spheres, are expected. |
State, Public Administration and Society
The present research group meets the Lines of Research adopted by the Graduate Program in Law - Master's Degree and the Department of Law of UNISC, in charge of further implementing the activities with the professors and students of the Institution. Furthermore, the group has been developing intense scientific word, with publications in books and articles in specialized legal journals. In this group, students and professors of the Master´s degree and the undergraduate program in Law of the Institution participate, as well as invited National and International Professors, those researching themes that involve Public Administration, the State and Society. Several Master's thesis and publications have resulted from here. |
Urban and Regional Research and Study Group- GEPEUR
The Urban and Regional Research and Study Group- GEPEUR main objective is to understand the processes and policies of territorial organization and uses of urban and regional space and urban and regional planning, the dynamics of migration and commuting, urbanization of medium-sized cities and the development of urban networks in their relation with regional development. It also seeks to disseminate and apply the results of its research activities through extension actions. The lines of research are: Territory, Planning and Sustainability; State, Institutions and Democracy, and Networks and Territorial Organization. |
Environmental Economic Management
The research group aims at proposing public policies in the environmental area, as well as the presentation of methodological subsidies for the elaboration of sustainable environmental development projects. In addition, it proposes the study and development of methodologies for the assessment and valuation of natural resources that help to make better use of them, with special attention to the issue of water use. As part of the activities, there are also awareness-raising and discussion seminars with the regional community. Currently, the group studies the theme of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) as a way of guaranteeing the right to an ecologically balanced environment provided in the constitutional text and still without regulation in federal law, as well as experiences of implementing PES schemes in Brazilian territory. |
Strategic Marketing Management
The research group intends to train students able to reflect on the marketing process in the organizational spaces in which they operate. Thus, it is expected to bring cutting-edge management technology to organizations in the State and the country, enabling them to face the competitive process and making them able to face the free globalization of markets. |
Business Management Study Group
The group develops studies related to the structure, the organizational dynamics and the internal and external elements of the organizations, related to their objectives, goals and evaluation indicators. |
Cross-Organizational Relations and Operation Management Center- NORI
The Operations area is characterized by a wide scope of activities within organizations, covering topics such as strategic management, operations management, logistics and supply chain, technological strategies, innovation management and productive agglomerations combined with the issue of sustainability. In the last decades, this scope has been expanded due to the establishment of collaborative strategies by organizations, directing researchers towards new approaches and investigations on the role of the Operations area in companies. Thus, the research group that constitute the Cross-Organizational Relations and Operation Management Center- NORI brings together researchers with the objective of investigating emerging themes about Operations and Interorganizational Relations and their impacts on organizational competitiveness. |
Social Inclusion Policies
The Public Policies for Social Inclusion Research Group focuses its concern on the discussion of fundamental issues for the Law, for the State and for the society, namely: (a) the perspectives and challenges of social demands, which are increasingly complex and intentional, and present in the daily life; (b) public policies for social inclusion and the management of social interests. It seeks to delimit the conditions and possibilities of public interest management based on the construction of policies for social inclusion and political participation of citizenship. - Objectives of the group: Provide the student body with the formulation of tools and mechanisms of transforming social intervention, based on democratic and emancipatory principles and values, as well as further training the legal practitioner to his forensic practice. |
Conflict Management Policies
The group aims at discussing the performance of the State's jurisdictional function, identifying public policies to access the justice that enable the consensual and democratic treatment/resolution of conflicts. The group is formed by professors and students from UNISC and other Brazilian and foreign Higher Education Institutions, especially European ones. In addition to the studies and debates generated at its meetings, the group has publications in books and scientific articles, promotes lectures and workshops, offers a theoretical basis for the preparation, submission and execution of research and extension projects in the areas it proposes to debate. The group seeks partnerships in the areas of Social Sciences, especially focused on Sociology, Anthropology and Law. In the latter area, the focus is on access to justice, especially regarding to complementary means to jurisdiction, such as mediation, arbitration and conciliation. |